Blog - Page 2
Let's talk about CSS Subgrids
June 09, 2019
CSS Subgrid is a part of CSS Grid Level 2 Spec by CSS working group. It solves a common use case which wasn't so obvious when grids were launched. Let's dig deep into what it is!
Auth for Hasura GraphQL engine with Firebase - My thoughts
April 25, 2019
Hasura’s GraphQL engine is itself a drop-in backend for most of the use cases. It provides you the flexibility to setup a fully functional backend with GraphQL as interface for the front-end. It acts as a layer between the Postgres database and your frontend applications(web or mobile).
Beyond this year: 2019 goals
December 30, 2018
As the year comes to an end, it's time to look back at the events and improve upon it. 2018 has been a roller-coaster with a lot of new experiences. I have learnt so many things, development to design and more.
You should start using Parcel Bundler 📦
July 27, 2018
I've been working on a couple of React projects recently, which uses Webpack for bundling. And yes, it takes a lot of time for bundling. So I decided to try out Parcel and here's what happened.
Migrating to Webpack 4 today
July 26, 2018
Today, I made a switch to Webpack 4 from version 3 for a project I am working on. And my first impression? Its definitely fast! Here are the changes I made for the switch.
Firebase + React : Optimizing For The Real World
July 25, 2018
Thoughts on using firebase for a webapp built with React and how can you optimize it.