Things I use for work
- ▪ MacBook Pro 16 2019 i9 3.6GHz - Work
- ▪ MacBook Pro 13 2019 i5 2.3GHz - Personal
- ▪ iPhone 13 Pro - Daily driver
- ▪ Sony WH-H900N Noise Cancelling Headphone
- ▪ Dell P2722HE monitor
- ▪ Logitech MX Master 3 Mouse
- ▪ Logitech MX Keys Keyboard
- ▪ Logitech Brio 4k Webcam
Editor + Terminal
- ▪ Visual Studio Code
- ▪ FiraCode Font
- ▪ One Hunter Theme
- ▪ iTerm2 for Terminal
- ▪ Zsh shell with Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10K
- ▪ Obsidian for all notes and discussions
- ▪ Figma/Canva for image editing/graphic design
- ▪ Raindrop for bookmarking
- ▪ Typefully for scheduling social media posts
- ▪ TablePlus for quick database access
- ▪ Google Docs for collaborative writing
- ▪ KeepassXC/Keepasium for password management
Tech Stack
- ▪ React & NextJS
- ▪ Angular
- ▪ Svelte & SvelteKit
- ▪ TypeScript
- ▪ Node.js
- ▪ Prisma - ORM
- ▪ Tailwind, Chakra UI, Material - Theming
- ▪ SCSS, Styled Components/Emotion - Styling
- ▪ Vercel, Cloudflare - Static / Serverless Deployment & CDN
- ▪ Firebase, PlanetScale for Full-Stack side-projects
- ▪ Apollo GraphQL / React Query / SWR - Data Fetching Libraries
- ▪ GitHub and GitLab for code version control
🎉 Interested in Frontend or Indie-hacking?
I talk about the latest in frontend, along with my experience in building various (Indie) side-projects